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1. What are you required to do outside your clinical treatment of patients?

Most private clinics in New Zealand expect that you will clean your treatment room, keep a tidy office and desk, sanitising surface areas and treatment beds. Some small clinics will require you to keep the main reception area clean and tidy, do clinic laundry and complete the banking. Each and every clinic is different, and you will be provided with guidelines on your responsibilities when you commence work in a clinic. Larger clinics may have cleaners that come through, but it would still be a general requirement that you keep your own treatment room clean, tidy and sanitised.


2. When will I be assigned a clinic?

It is important to note that you will only be assigned a clinic and position after you have received your Visas, flights booked and we have a firm arrival date to work with.


3. Will I know my approximate location ahead of time?

Yes, we should be able to tell you your location ahead of your arrival. You will have elected in your location choices the possible areas you were willing to move to. No decisions will be made without talking this over with you.


4. Can you find me hospital work?

Yes. We have many DHBs ( District Health Board/Hopstials) who work with Ligament for the placement of Physiotherapists. Some of the DHB’s need to have their physiotherapists directly employed through the DHB for a physio to be placed there. If this is the case, we will discuss what this means for you. Other DHB’s are able to work with Ligament as providers of Physiotherapy staff. Each DHB works differently with the funding it is given.   


5. How much support will I get from Ligament?

Regardless, if you are a new graduate or an experienced physio, we aim to give you as much support as needed. You will have regular access to our Clinical Advisors who are able to support you in any additional training/mentoring and our Placement Facilitators for any placement/clinic support.


6.  How long are appointment times to see patients?

Most of the clinics that we work with offer 45-minute appointment slots for initial appointments and 30-minute appointments for follow-ups.  There is a range though which can be up to 1 hour for initial assessment and as short as 20 minutes for a follow up

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